Slippy Lucus Raibley Amos Harp Sinclair Toupard Amos, Sarah, Mena, Cody, Sophie, & Roxie Ogg Wiener, Rosie, Here, Tiny Ogg DustySophie, and Nuska Ogg Nikki and Magpie, all Ogg kids Sophia Gregory Honey Bear Gregory Austin's Old Maggie Brady Murry Reesie Duckworth Allie Mae Patrick Daniel Leonardo Shultz Buck Shultz Atticus Croall Petey Dallas Gigi Shultz Margo Hicks Frodo Blair Cass Cooper Mindy and Mandy Mayfield Ronnie and Howard's Sparky Milo Gryffindor Perry Anderson Boo Boo Zion Raibley Rudy McDonald Winston Gribbon I Recken Boyd Tiki Chatham Rudy McDonald Sweet Pea "Weep" Buckholz Charlene "Charlie" Killian Remington "Bubby" Cole Opal, Alicia and John's little lady Maddie Mae Bruce Buttette "Boolei" Newsome Buck Humphries Bruiser "Little Man" Boyd Raibley Sedro Riley Maggie Katherine Collins Spiker "Spikeman" Ward Raibley Bruiser "Little Man" Ward Raibley Butch Arnold Callie Clark George Allen Cody Berens Tracy Dunlap "Mr. Frog" Anderson Little Joseph Merchant Sprint Greene Samantha and Andy Griffith Harvey Gisch aka "Thor" Rocky "Rockman" Raibley Georgee Toupard Parker Baker Petey Cottontail Baker Little Beans McCoy Rocky Weezer Geezer Gupton Lulu Loy Raibley Bella Rose Clark Max Messman Gabby Mayfield Roxie Scott Black Beauty Banks Otis Parker Raymond Parker Ellis Lee, Esq. Bugsy "Bug" Bandit Thames Scrunchy Wolfe Mimi Wolfe Billy Jack Shultz Jackson "Stretch" Brody Myers Yoko Seago Tammie Mae Farmer Sirah Tate Primo Kackley Joe Merchant Tuffy Cooper Muffy Williams Rags Fulton Joy Darlin Farmer Brandy King Louie Vincent-Cooper Charlie Brown Cooper Tuffy Cooper Cass Cooper Guy Hentges Angel Marie Allin Amber Rose Robison Raibley Freeway Baker Rocky Racoon Clark Misty Anderson Sydney Kaiser Walter Dinker aka Billy Johnson Barney Bruce Mel Ford Turbo Ford Millie Schmink Vinnie Ford Charlie Roushar Talya Meyer Tootsie Michaels CiAN Gregory ANgel Gregory Sam Gregory Barney , Gypsy and Hobbes Wheeler Scoobydoo Gregory Rugrat Gregory Little Man Gregory Valentine Gregory Pookie Gregory Autumn Mae Smith Hope Smith Foxy Brown Smith Glee Smith Sandy Morgan Miss Peach Morgan Cuddles Corsicanna Brewski Brewin Frances Rose Bosto Bartlett Vinnie Clark Dixie Seago and babies Oscar Craig Artie Marietta Baby Wellman Oreo Cookie Jenkins Miss Lilly Vincent Lucas Smith Justice Danskin Boo Baby Beare-Gaines Petey LaPierre Ash, the French Man Pogo Rose Anderson Casey Ussery Ellie Ussery Baby Doll Finger Angel Friedlander Buster Sherman Beethoven Thompson Angel Friedlander Chubbsy Wu Mays Oliver Lakota Anderson Larry James Raibley Noah Clark Sammy Davis Jr. Irby Gracie Noel Irby Poopie Frankie Nelson Irby Poopie Joe Nicholai Irby Poopie Rudi Netwon Irby Poopie Jasper Nathan Irby Poopie Natalie Nadja Irby Poopie Duff Glass Peppy McRaney Bud House Poppy House Alvin Johnson Gummy LaFreniere Lucy Hodge Brody Bear Clark Sugar Bear White Anne Irby Maggie Louise Fazzari, the little witch Sparky Woodruff Weedy Mae Madai Kris Kringle House Cricket Troop Lulu Holbrook Benito Hill Marcus Spencer Anderson Booger "Bugger" House Rocco Plaisted Sissy Caroll Miss Katie Berens Kandy Russell Sugar Russell GranGran Anderson Nanci Holsinger Maddie Shipe Emma Grace Tew Orby Augustine Rosenthal Mack Daugherty Guinness Leinbach Dulcie Leinbach Beulah Rowlands Maxie Lynn Bruce Ryder Bryson-Ussery Bubba Akins Roxy Akins Mina Leigh Anderson Poopie Cranberry Cornucopia Poopie Maize Cornucopia Poopie Apple Cornucopia Poopie Kaiser Mack McArthur Chester Lightfoot Mosher Star Hopkins Lowe Jake Janda "Jacques" Cromer Sally Hernando Joey Mays Tank Brewer Bruce Bosworth Jay Swedburg Mark Clark Yorick, Annie and Doozy Brown Baby Boy Benedict Sweet Addie Clark Polo Gallmon Jeremiah Oklahoma Mokie and Fin Fin Lopez Toby Dale Young Lady Luck House, wife of Buddy Love Beau Dinger Jangles aka Mr. Mister Fancy Pants Roxanne Tipton Rudy James Little Max (aka Max Rocks) House Barbie Doll House Marty "Granny Rose" Turner Winston Hart Bryson Ussery Cookie Holzerland Jude Cobb Oliver Twist Pepperman Mia Grace Hawkins Baldwin Lyon Bubba Bruno Ellis Lex Herndon Jazzeroo Brinson Uncle Don Jarvis Daly Maggie LaRosa Ripley Anne House Greta Garbo Bryson poopie Ginger Rogers Bryson poopie Lucas Lorenzo Spencer aka Lucas- McKain Hamilton Bigensly Ussery Stella Petrone Bear Baker Cole Angel Wilson Gracie May Scott Buddy "Archie" St Nick Shah Agatha Ann Ussery JJ Akins Trixie Colleen House Sweet Jack Mays Beau Bo Bo Rocks House Ryder Welker Holly Welker Bo Bo Chaffin Pixie Chick Milburn Toby Tango Clark Peggy Sue Bruce Halen Price Tarheelbaby Holstered Boscoe Bruce Lola Faulk Tobie Ann Boyett Spencer Stevenson Bailey Dillon Hicks Sophie Wright Beau Funkhouser Emmy Lou and Mini Pearl Crisp- Queen, baby sister poopies Quixote Texas Jasper Jax House Lilly Watts Danni Dior Lowe Precious Penelope Clark Buddy Bolding Bailey Bolding Daisy Mae Bolding Mirnie (Gladys Rose) Spain Queenie Raibley Suzy Raibley Charley Phrogg Raibley Genny Bee Raibley Fannie Mae Raibley Security Dawg Raibley Honey Anne Bug Katy Anne Bug Zeke Chapman Greene Raibley Roxie Anne Raibley Snap Emerson Marshall Raibley Wilson Pickett Raibley Tazman Raibley Mr. Pete Harris Raibley Ron's Baby Belle Otis the Great Mr. Buddy Raibley The Wise Old Mr. Duke Raibley Misha Our Little Model Cha Chi - Jack Kristin's Bo Billy Peanut Misfeldt Dave Helton, Pittie Kobi Benton Miss Bea Tobey Bill of Pound Virginia Pea of Pound Roie's Irish Granny Raibley Speck Bird Dog Taylor Spot Bird Dog Taylor Kristan's Bo Billie Holiday Tyler Harp Mojo Crook Linda's Pepper Texas Wee Willie Nancy's Harley Diesel Tobie Koerner Rudi Patrick Chloe Belle Austin Susie Fayette aka Jazzy DeMeo Jimmy Buffett Swinskey Moe Green Boller Trudy Reust Daisy Henry Josie Hemler Missy McCarley Barnaby Jones Mays Muffy McDuffy Reckner, Mom of Max and Mo Iris and Audrey Bolding Tulip Calista, Poopie Percy Wright Maggie Liddell Serena Baker Philbeck Zack Ryan Landau Anubis Shappy Baxter Brown Chandler Scooter Stevens Sadie Skye aka Bambi Cheek Orwell Livingston Rebert-Hoffman Marnie Noel and Sparky Bark Harris Buddy Russell Maggie Mae McAbee Edie Jane Guardascione Oreo Ford Missy Loepp Angels "AJ" Journey Emma Lyon Blackjack Lyon Buster Sherman Buster Tomblin Mack Rowlands Rascal White Sammi Walter Trevor Cook Moyers Chloe Lynn Maxwell Belle 'Blue Velvet' Almy Cooper Clyde Cory Parker Card Katie Belle Schicho Missy Dawn Cahill Charlie Brewer Piorkowski Chester Newsome Maggie Mae McKinley Bella Stella Luna Spivey Shelby Riggs Bonnie Rowlands Alyson Jocephine Martin Jack Rowlands Hurley Hugo Hopkins Katie Gibson Butch Gibson Sally Garmon Porter M. Poore Raibley Petey Rigsby Martini Breeden Tammy Hoegermeyer Betsy Jean Boo Boo Cobb Charlie "Sharkie" Pusey Babydoll Philbeck Bandit Garnigan Ginger Calloway Boo Connor Smokey Max Baker Ripley Leonard Koch Sweet Pea Bakay Missy Ray Peter Parker LaRowe Lucky Duck Koerner Lexie Valentine Martin Max a Million of The 3Ms Desiree Baker Merle Stevenson Tucker Scott Richter Lucy Ward Badon Captain Good Boy Spud Lightyear Bravo Venturi Bud Smith Sam Shadow Piorkowski Cletus R Raibley Sassy Fayette Sappilit Autumn Cornucopia Hummel Baby Boy Lackey Benny Bob Seago Finn Schultheis Marshall Monkey Munoz Skippy Cobb Panda Bear Hodges Bubba Philbeck Bentley Bernard Sutherland Remington Steel Tabor Mowgli Peart Miley LaRowe Brutus Malguin Sunny Sam Lingo Mathison James (MJ) Farmer Clever Linville Betsy Grace "Pumba" Smith Dolly Steeves Cookie Baker Gabby Baker Williams Allie Mae Patrick Jaxon Love Clark McWhirter Emma Grace Tew Gabby Rose Dillard Sidney Pretty Boy "Sid Sid" Baker Jilly Beth Cobb Mr. Chance Parker Jake Winston Remick Annie Cox Missie, Duchess of Spartanburg Baker Hopscotch Nolte Tillie Hughes Penny Poole E T Burk Lady Antebellum Brittain Diesel Hurley Bella Swan Traynor Jackson Griffin Bully Wongja Wix Madame Molly Webb Ralph Kindred Bo Bo Bear Saager Dani Toupard Tuggy Mays Blaze Murrian Dudley "Dudster" Curlyfry Betty Lynn Johnson-Edelen Maggie McBeevee McAbee Gizmo Moody Cat Cora Jackson Sydney Leigh Jackson Dolce Orkis Jelli the Sunshine Girl Boozer Stewart Gertrude "Gertie" Holsinger Leia Ward Bugsy Johnson Bear Baker Brody Brooks Cianciulli Rusty Williams Mr. Peanut Malugin-Vaz Popeye Marty Balboa Annie Lahti Lucky Rudolph Mosher Skipper Lee Hoag Duchess Evana McMahan Lady Maggie Kelly Shasta K. Raibley Lulu Paloosa Mosher Miss Pea Momma Irby Herbie Hancock Ison Mimi Leah Stump Maggie Thweatt Harley Clark Poonie Landau Lacey Lynn Stevenson Scrappy Ann Moody Sassy Walden Domino Dale Kimball Kissy Marie Raibley Polly Belle Russell Champ Gilbert Davila Peggy Sue McCoy Ellis Baker Bugsy Malone Hall Buckeye Frost Lucky Wheeler Baby Jewell Flanagan Wilbur Strohecker Jester Degroff Sadie Shropshire Mack Boyer Tinker Prussman Bubba (Cesar) Hugg Sweet Sadie Strait Penelope Ledford Dunky Chandler Domino Chandler Rocky Roscoe Dwyer Duchess Marlow Rouse Miss Milly (Milly Makenzie) Colman Boo Moyers Maggie Mae Nance Duke Hooligan Baker Winston Humphrey Self Sophia Loren Scott Rocky Childress Gidget Gibson Janda Napoleon Ouellette Stewart Wally Wonder Edelen Ikie Beare-Marti Missy Mae Bakay Jasper Koerner Mother Buttons Bakay Tootie "Girlfriend" Holzerland Dixie Wheeler Ollie Dayton Rowlands Lilo Smith Ivan Lovelace Tyson Alexander Aldridge Cesar Gavin Hugg Tater Beau Neu Layla Luv Powers Suzanne Meleena McMahan "Professor" Batman Olds "Big" Robin Olds Layla Cape Maxxamillion (Maxx/Maxxie)- Jones Fiona Irby BJ Porter Tannozzini Kiwi Ratner Molly (Queenie) Magness Millie Anne Mosher Max Fedele-Washburn Midge Duperrault Roxanne Darling Thompson Reuben Miles Odom Sissi Irby Smeagol Baker Woody Nichols Houston Little Man Wall Kacy D'Rocker Good Sissy Sue Clark Meatball Miller Mr Bo Jangles Lawson Yoda Moore Darwin Akins Hondo Land Emerson Jackson Holbrook Stella Ballou Quintana Sue Ellen "Ellie" Brooks-Neil Dallas Wellman Cutie Patootie Shore May Belle Johnson Molly Rae Dotson Theo Nieberlein Winston Rutherford Magness Sam Wellman 2 Toy Zoe Shank Thomas Tucker Wilson Daisy May Wilson Libby Bleu Johnson Billy Barrett Stella Rose Neal Mr. Harold Giambruno Daisy Leigh Theo Peyton Bindi Sue Clark Sheila Anne Raibley Walter Mitty Lay Lyla Jane Gilmore Ray Charles Hurlburt Miss Nesbitt Ervin Christopher Piorkowski Dixie Duncan Wright Penny Anne Atkinson Lilly Bloom Haga Mr. Bean Beare-Martin Duke Ellington Johnson Brady Archer Himmelhaver Duff Neal Buddy Ford Howard-Hubble Brady Archer Himmelhaver Trixie Gayle Hatcher Sampson Weeks Ginger Brabson Col. Forbin Mayo Roxie Tsalamandris Charlie Waller Sadie Petree-Armstron Mia Whaley Paisley Vale Lindquist Bruce Wayne Banner Martin Marco Monty Dalton Mr Rockey Peterson Miki Richard Chubby Sutton Banjo Jack Humphries Scooter Eugene Hutchinson Ellie Rose Reeves Michael Winston Sexton Sir Pippin McAbee Patty (Pat) Paws Latty Misty May Hook Abby Gale Adams Bobby's Carbon Copy "CC" Adams Lacey Lynn Stevenson Diesel Pete Barrett Molly Brown Barrett Molly Shaw Duke Shaw Buster Copper Whitehead Duke McWhirter Zoe Louise Olivar Hannah Tew Magoo Euler Beans Peets Buster Baxter Dicus Molly Reynolds Scooter Copenhaver Alex Bradley Annie Bradley Baby Madie Bruner Lily Phillips Lola Phillips Chupa Gregory Ike Gregory Max Gregory Sadie Gregory Peetey Piccolo McMahan Becca Scanlon Pez Angel Emma Nowrouzi Cedric Doggory Emanuel Summer Clark Stitch Efaw Sister aka Annie Naylor Pooh Bear Duperrault Solo Epstein Grandmother Willow Morris Dixie Kelly Winston Lawson Willie Thompson Benjie Bottoms Thompson Iggy Anderson-Gavlak Mikey Jacuzzi McMahan Amy Janae Harner Sadie Belle McMahan - Henderson Cain McMahan - Henderson Matisse Malugin Guiness Stout Carper-McMahan aka Charlie Martha My Dear McConnell Belle Prussman Wiley Coyote Baker Axle Lindquist Naomi Jill McConnell Hank Baker Williams Hazel Grace Libby Daisy Lou Who Smith Megan Brooke Smith Pittipat Patterson Smith Lily Belle Smith Truman Oates Buster "Buddy" Bradshaw Max Magoo Sayler Mugzy Williams Chloe Jade Beall Sonny Robinson Batt Masterson Mays Joey 1 Mills Lucy "Pippa" Mills Augustus "Gus" Doyal Peanut Patron Baker Winston "Boogie-Woogie" Kleinsasser Stuart Preston Hughes Charlie Janda Suzie Bakay Franky Dobbins McCall Blu Berkowitz Slater Snow Sassy Self Phoenix Fogg Wyatt West Henry Elvis Cuson Shadow Whedbee Rex Montana Dalton Mr. Sunshine Dalton Lollipop Hilda Dalton Ellie Lee Bullet "Little Man" Murray Mac Apple O'Neal Lily O'Neal Yoda Wall Toby Yackey Emmitt Peters Deziel Rocky Razzle Vonderhaar Reno Poole Bitsy Sonnier Big Earle Hughes Jackson Szymanski Archie Yogi McConnell Dame Emma Hughes Queen Lola Pugabooboo Jewell Rocky Lee Hawthorne Pixel Seago Grace Bibb Maggie Gaither Lottie Lenya Shank Dell White Sugar Bear White Abby White Rascal White Betty Home Hamilton Finley Perkins Tucker Perkins Frisco Chissler Millie Mcabee Maggie McBeevee Mcabee GinGin Watts Topper Watts Baby Boy Watts Baby Girl Watts Bella Bright Tillman Falkor Tredway Beckett Brown Avery Angel Pebbles Gouveia Micky BamBam Gouveia Gus Allemang Carl Allemang Pip Dwyer Krutz Darby Dude Phelps-Little Peppy Forest Williamson Bingo Nuxoll Martin Brody Peterson Oscar David McConnell Raven Williamson Willie Rebert Josie McCune Winston Roppa Petey Bolinger Gracie Boogers Bolinger Bunny Rabbit Dillard Sadie Mae Schick Chi Chili McMahan Rutger Winslett Sweetie Pie Rose Raibley Cookie Clementine Clark Coppedge Ranie Lark Anderson Maddie McConnell Mattie Gilmore Sayuri Rose Hammond Peanut Butter Bailey Lu-Lu Belle Bear-Martin Beau Duke Miner PeeWee Boyd Wiggles Bandklayder Ciko Libby Lebowski Grant Rosie Martson Sadie Mai Neal
Helen's Wooly Bear Lucky Dog, the Luckman Raibley Christy Gregory Jimmy Filmore Spudsy Lerdo Wilson Pickett Raibley Helen's Swamper Olivia Harp Cookeville Jumping Jack Pokey Joe Gwen's Pops Diddy Raibley Suzanne's Spot Wanda Eleanor Ann Raibley Molly Rose Sherman Horn Boulware Punkin Pie's babies, Frick and Frack Betty Boop Raibley Scarlet Kelly Powell Chevy Lynn Landis Jobby Bear-Martin Preston County Petal Baby Missy Sue Sheba Baker Golden Scooter Brenda's Babies, Hannah, Jack, and Belle Henning Tyler and John Wayne Harp Jake "the Turdhead" Raibley Ling Ling Rowell Hinesville Max Elaina Kent of Delaware Betsy's Nathan Ellwood Pretzel - Merchant Irving Berlin Farmer Pedro Owen Chyna Whitt Dot Farmer Harry Moody Suki Ann and Pebbles Anne Finger Ouachita Dexter Daisy Mae Alvis Buster Bibb Scoot, Belle, Mercy and Blessing Dorsey Annie Oakley Triche Simon Cooper Winston Tipton Jacky Blue R J Baker Buttons Bueton Bueton Lucy Rogers Cidney Boulware Newberry County Baby Annabelle Baker Ranger Goodrich Rebel and Mickey Gavlak Joe Henry JackoSchmacko-Steals-da-Pants Bernazzoli Lapsa Henry Rizzie Green Regan Johnson Smokey Bibb Angelo Carson Harp Dudley Washburn Ruby Sue Landau Al Pacino Lola Buddy Seago Farley "Bubba" Dalton Jojo Stuerzenberger Reno Owen Calipso Callie Russell Raibley Mister Buster Ellenburg Charley "Little Leon" Radford Frankie Fayette Billy Smyth Marion Sweet Boy Finger Ace Haywood Nancy's Memphis Ward Muscles Stracaluzi Beasley "Bea" Harp Maxx Smart Finger Raibley Sophie Stracaluzi Atticus Croall Holly Stuerzenberger Bingo Bingo Henning Raibley Sarah Beth Cooper Budward Dyer Raibley Harvey Feinstein Euler Anna Nana Banana Banks Baby Priscilla Schultheis Tiger Houghland Murphy Clark Ginger Leigh Clark Dolly Marie Anderson Buddy Lee Harlan Kayla Summer Smith Abby Morgan Clark Susie Smith Samson Irby Archee Nelson Melody McGee Boo Boo Thomas Raibley Fergus Croall Buddy Gavlak Sweet Pea Gavlak Jacob Morgan Marcus Irby - Stracaluzi Frank Sinatra Schultheis Prudence Schultheis Little Daphne Schultheis Frankie Schultheis Roxie Scott Rigatoni Pandolfi Frannie Bell Schultheis Smiley Tazwell Madalyn Jenkins Otis Pie Jenkins Furry Murray Jenkins Clyde Swedberg Pixie Starr-Baby Raibley Smiley Tazewell A. J. Irby Tyka White Oreo Chase Bruce Bobo Cobb Kato Sellers Laviola Raibley Deliah Anderson Tahiti Dade Harvey Wissler Emma Leigh Anderson Caesar Butler Cunningham Sarah Jane Farmer Cami Farmer Herschel Ray "Manny" Addington Happy Harley Vincent Cookie Marie Bruce Orlando Sally Posie Harding Greenwood Momma Boston Bo Cooper Brutus Cooper Grady Cooper Grandfather Suds Greene Lindauer The Douglasville Kids, Feisty, Baby Arnold, and Junior Ellie Oop Williams Little Valdosta Man Big Daddy Stracaluzi Sasha Regalis Baker Gomer B. Irby Dixie Auble Austin William Anderson Rodney Buster Raibley Jasper Aloysius Cooper Lexi Hendren Miss Eartha Cooper Cosmo O'Connor Miss Ladybug Anderson Hattie Hudson Munchie Draut Max White Bandit Schultheis Miss Prissey Thompson Junior Smith Emily Rose Holbrook Little Man Arnold Bogie Spera Haddix Haus McKinney-Clark Jasper Bruce Champ Brinson Pumpkin Rice Rose Vincent Tinkerbell Irby Maggie Manning Bella Louise Clark Miss Blanche Griffin Bella Thompson General Augustine Beauregard "Quinn" aka Ranger Helton Hoover Abigale Hopper Barkley Leon Virzi Miss Chloe Irby Annie (Princess Ann) Napier Pudge Baker Cricket Smith Emmy Lu Arnold Mikey Stracaluzi Colby Overfelt Goldie Hawn Irby-Anderson Kali Madai Max McCarley Dubie Mays Joey Stephens Mays Sammy Henderson Pepper Peyton Shadow Walker Madai Charlie Irby Winston Mays Sally Fields Mays Snort Mays Annika Madai Daisy Mae Aurora Joe Dan Martin Wally Fitzgerald Raibley Homer Drew Bruce Mickey, Bugsy, Noah and Kipper Goldstein Trot Creech Little Wally Cobb Buster Scruggs Madai Titan Ussery Darla Jean Gammage Beatrice Ann Anderson Z. Chadwick Bella Izzy Daisy Conley Fawn Tucker House Poopie Podo Harris Lovey Ann Miller Sissy Jane Loy Lola Lorenzo Peaches Kutscher Tabitha’s Poopies, Noel, Merry, Kris, and Nick and Jingle Lily Mayes Kitty Mayes Large Marge York Boston - Boy Buster Woodruff Starbuck Dan Mays Daisy Ann Anderson Josephine Mini Pig & Honorary BT Samson Lee Bruce Bo Smith Hoss Cartwright Mays Marcella Valentine Poopie Holly Berry Ussery Quincy Gregory Maggie MaDear Rowlands Toby ''Tango" Grissom Cookie Renee La Fontane Hitchcock Chubby Lowe Meeka Woodrum Mama Lucy Bear Martin Zsu Zsu Gemini Sauerwein Rosie Rose Mays Emma Grace Rowlands Pepper Nichols Gregory Domino Grover Texas Mayorga Precious Princess Bolding Cooper Dan Jacobson Molly Rose Anderson Eden Hunter Meehan Sister Salyer Buddy Nichols Leo des Pres Clark Harryman the Legend Plaisted Tina Gavlak Herbert Horatio Magoo Harris Sissy Lindauer Indiana "Indy George" House Lillie Sutphin poopie Theodore Bear LaFreniere Pepper Gin Bostic Francis Singleton Baby Carolina Stuart Little Dukey Wook Raibley Rebel Hoffman Madai Bogey Gamble Jackson Tipton Mar-Crest U'R so Vain at Domino aka Carly Bell Hooch Howard Tallulah Scout Turner Nala Marie McKinley Simon and Nitro Felps Gizmo Scott Minerva McGregor Spain BilBo Gaschel Doodles Harding Punkin Gregory Bonnie Michelle King Punkin Gregory Patty Cake Irby Bosley Kaiser Annie Bronx Swanson Jake Sulin McKinley Donatella Robles Dawson Cincy Lawson Lilly Moody Winston Voisard "Vo" Hopkins Rachel Baby Benny Baby Little Lulu Misty Daisy Mae Col. Klink Texas Suzy Ella Mae Cookeville Jumping Jack Haralson County Baby Johnson City Bill Hera and Bane Gentle Little Sapo Douglasville Katy Columbia Bob Smithville Lizzy Lab Rockwood Astro Houston Bob Johnson City Sherman Houston Lady Vesuvius Harland Co Speckle Preston County Petal Longview Sally Rockdale Kimbo Hinesville Max Elaina Kent Delaware Kobi Benton Ouachita Dexter Willie Jacksboro Joe and Lapsa Henry Regan Johnson Edith Ann Boxer Chattanooga Bill Miss Santana Madison Fricky & Frack Gwinnett Taz Gaston Billy Smyth Marion Mom and Dad Henry Lennon and Luther Catawba little brothers Lincoln Thomaston Buddy Pocahontas Suzy Billie Koerner Sadie Mae Gorgeous Henry Chattanooga Mazzy Florida Bugs Bugs Chipley Newton Mogli Chipley Hey Boy McKamey Ricci Johnson Jesup Georgia Baby Dyersburg Buttons Rags Fulton Newport Pappy Brutus B. Green Freddie Georgie Banks Roseberry Baron McArthur of Coalgate Clark Sally Ann Meyer Libby Morgan Piorkowski Muffin Preston Penny aka Luna Kay Kerr Baxter Jack Stevenson Cat Cora Jackson JoJo Thompson Lucy Liu Thomson Gus Boyd Molly Thompson Baltimore Oliver Boh Hollis Oscar Moore Riley Griego Bandit Gentry Anna Belle Wyatt Bunny Baker Murphy Clark Walter Koerner Bronwyn Brownie Haug Sammy aka Bandit Lee Donofrio Beulah Belle Spain Brinkley Beamer aka Joey Mills Sir Connery McBoone Piorkowski Mugsy Porter Newman Sauerwein Tank Lee Ragone Caesar Romero Skinner Maxwell Finn Philbeck Molly Rowlands Peaches Puddin-Pie Gardiner - Holbrook Pepper Ann Bauer Summer Dodson Buddha Parker Chance Aaron Clark Maggie Moo Myers Sally Madison Sam Newport Mays Dolly (Sapphire Rose) Shetlar Libby Sewall Punkin Newman Bully Wix Gunner Zaharako Toby and Tyler Walton Ringo Owen Shorty Washburn Rosie Baker Duke Gavlak Memphis Luke Lowe Belle P. Hudson Leo Bubbs Seiler Billy Koerner Wally Wofford McAbee Maggie Lynn, Rocco, Cujo Jane, and Mollie Richter Sue Rhymer Bennie Lewis Ozzy Storm Farmer Prissy Seago Bella Bean Sheppard BooBoo Bear Saager Mugsy Mack Borreggine Bella Roma D'Avignon Casey Boyette Kuck Roscoe Phoenix Handley Prince Charming Philbeck Nick Whitt Olive Turner Sami Lee Owen Neal Itsy Leigh Draut Chet Baker Zickefoose Thompson Darlie LaFlamme Mikey Harville Little Dude Guardascione Zorro Larkin Wiseman Crabby Joe Messimer-Tidwell Dook Ray Pfister Dottie Ray Max Rebert Tessa Irby Vinus Irby Yeller Feller Smith Lola Hipps Georgie Vonderhaar Baxter Moore Petunia Lou Pratt Hank Troubles Lawson Sunny Sam Lingo Abby Gail Forth Buddy Brewer Lawson Cookie Clover Clark Sam Champion Jacobs Sweetie Pie Gnadinger Brodie Brown Mr. Peepers Gray Willie Knox Hutchens Winston Chowning Odie Odie Raibley Willow Faith Winfree Katie Love Harris Otis P. Binger Stubby "Zues" Fisher Clint Black Card Bianca Buttons "Little Diva" Birdsong Rocky Eder Maxwell Smart Stevenson Lander Bennett Raibley Murray Lahti Izzie Bentley Lucy Kate Janda Mugsy Mirabelli Gizmo Mirabelli Hanna Seamens Moonbeam (Moonie) Smith Tiny Moody Molly Goldman Tony Macaroni Ledford Scarlett Valentine Linville Remy Martini Studniarz Dak Lee McWhirter Maggie Buchholz Popsy McCall Phillip Honnold Sam Spade Pemberton Millie "Miggles" Kaye Steg Jelly Bean Steg Morgan Seymour Koener Dolly Bell Chico Martinez Sweet Darcy Girl Chico Curtis Scout Magee Grozier Maui Pu Trohn Bubba Gump Lindauer Bella Ann Stevenson Pooda Bear Wilkinson Joshua Horus Favillo Gracie Lassiter Attie Bee Thompson Lola Stringfield Ruby Rose Clark Ashton Baldwin Polly Anna Mosher Attie Bee Thompson Peppi Pepperoni Meatball Maggie (Sugar Magnolia) Wilson Winston Owen Solis Doodlebug Daisy Neal Sophie Marie Dinsmore Jameis Sieber Simon Lang April Sunshine Piorkowski Kyera Piorkowski Barney Bathen Brackeen Torry "Old Lady" Irby Sparky Memphis Sieber Barnaby Beauregard Cobb Mollie Belle Grindstaff Momma Freedman Penelope Ledford Kelli-Jo Beare-Martin Molly Sue Seago Vito Kouirinis Milly Mackenzie Coleman Tebow Dallas Hallman Quincy "jackpot' Ironton Saager Mini Mae Pearl Hemler Lil Dude aka Toy Soldier Dickens Little Trooper Dickens Baxter Williford Hobo Tillman Mr. Brody Myers Bruno Barista Moore Oliver Ryan Yurk Zeus Thunderbolt House Luke Skywalker Clark Niles Crane Cox Thunder Michael Wheeler Ashton Gunnar Boy Smalley Shiloh Snoozie Q Long Brutus Buckeye Long Peggy Sue McCoy Brenna Bryant Mr. Briggs Burke Frankie Valli Piorkowski Miss Lucy Stevens Sadie Grace Mosher Butch Conrad Haga Nell Raibley Peaches Parfait McWhirter Lilly Bloom Aldridge Sadie Gilmore and George Gilmore Skeeter Pete Matson Junior Johnson Temmermand Byron Lynch Molly Lynch Darby Watkins Sweet Pea Gavlak Happy Gilmore Lenhoff Daisy and Tucker Johnson Holly Tiffany Massenburg Lucy Lemon McMann Maxi Gray Hughes Doris Day Duperrault Mindy Miller Bruiser Brody Sweatt Molly McGarrigle Soash Toby Keith Mills Ellie Bell Williams Benjamin Lanford Fenway Ferguson McMahan Princess Peaches Norris Butler Baloo Norris Lady O’Connor Cosmo “Eeyore” O’Connor Chloe O’Connor Lucy O’Connor Tebow Duperrault Sweet Pea Tillman Hobo Tillman Jake Griffin Jones Alice Moon McCoy Scarlett Foroutan Bubba Baker Glickler Quinn aka Bruce Grant Dempsey Novak Molly Novak Jameson Novak Fergie Davila Cooper Bennett Leiser Dexter Barnes Mehan Lucy Lu Search Bertie Kingsman Haga Ernie Hemingway Stockard Piper Lee Watters Megan Ann Fly Yeager Winslett Jocephus Martin Dudly Dalton Dinki Gibson Dalton Nakoma Hofstettler Rocky Patrick Stevie Baker Star Baker Sue-Sue Janda Curtis Akins Titus Troy "Tater Tot" Brown Humphrey Knight Maya Jade Newstead Stella McCuskey Lacy Annabelle Claybaugh Tinker Belle Mosher Taz Freedman Candycane Rogers Tank (Loyal Brewster) Godine Yankee Augusta Cobb Odie Bear Cobb Boogie Dickerson Scrappy Ray Raibley Finn Arrow Clark Peanut Po Fender Foxy Po Fender Winston Arbuckle Topper Garber Strawberry Fields Mitchell Pokey Doke Bruce Dewey Ivester Lola Seraphin Murphy Spraker Baxter Buster Dicus Taco Bean Saager Brinnie Liberty Mock Jaxx Daniels Vig Bootsie Q Piorkowski Pete (Gizmo Joe) Gosser Grippo (Maui) Gosser JoJo Wells Oreo Gooslin Dharma Bean Cobb Marty McFly Hughes Gus Boe Vedder Lee Hutchison-Dalton Henry "HenHen" Mitchell Rickards Benji Bottoms Thompson JarJar Edwards Thumper Baker Napoleon Memphis Hofstetter Cocoa Noel Stevenson Seymour Flynn Izzy Marie Moyers Marco Neal Amie Janea Harner Bonnie Sue Derrenbacher Winnie Bear Crabtree River Hope Odom Ralph and Alice Jones Lily LaCroy Carter Lee Raibley Cy Moyers Sophie Marie McNaulty Buddy Auwerda Captain Jackson Nouillet Pansy Paisley White - Tankersley Poe McConnell Sullivan Ignatius Denton Domino Ranger Hofstetter Baby Boy Denton Pepper Davis Dexter Morris Bozeman Sandy Leigh Mills Delilah Grace Dugan Spike Magoo Doser BJ Steiner Shore Dolores White Pappy Peterson Sissy Peterson Buster Cooper Dallas Little Girl "Sunny Boy" Pitts Gus DeFord Tessa Love Warren Ruth Buzzbee McConnell Heath Cliff Adair Bo Jangles Evans Bonnie Evans Mickey Eli Naomi Belle Elliott Edward Elmer "Eddie" Parker Cooper Davila Jake Gyllanhall McNaulty Henry "American Pharoah"Peterson Mindy Leigh Waylon Coleman Presnell Ricky Campbell Mo Davis Piper Geyer Tito Tuxedo Alderman Dusty Rhodes Sorel Charlie Landon Dillard Gabriella Rose Dillard Baby Girl Wagner Millie Maple Birdsong Domino Turney George Landon Gammage Rizzo Brokvist Biscuit Binky Heintz Buddy Holly McConnell Peggy Ghannam Lilah Rose Snyder Fredrick Martin Morgan Dasher Neal Dallas Johnson Chloe Buffo Polly Belle Russell Sasha Kever Raibley Scooter Reeves Hamlet Leone Jazz Neal Philly Washington-Wilkes Jax Flynn Quincy (Leo DiCap) Hopkins Stella McMann Leo "Punkin" Hammond Blaze "Buggar Bear" Mizell Lucky "Big Boy" Mizell Duke "Sweet Love" Mizell Max "Sweet Pea" Mizell Abbie Sue Vanzant Nina Castellanos Dakota Baker Harley W. G. Costa Willie Costa Lucky Dog Costa Betsy ‘Betty Boo’ Costa Dalton ‘Patches’ Costa Opal Mae Hudson Jackson Thweatt Zoey Emerson Lucy Belle Phillips Yo Yo Yoda Clifford Baxter Kenny Edna Maye Davis Emmylou Crabb Loden Blevins Lulu Lewis Nemo Lewis Tessie Bell Lexi Yeager Brody Yeager Lucy Mills Duke May Lucy Bulldog Mills Bibi Mocha Prince Annie Bleu Williamson Sabrina "Brina" Mays Robbie Rice Miami Milly Mills Miley David Gracie Kaiser Sophia Walsh-Flippen Macy Adkins Emmitt Smith Hudson Piper Chapman Saager Zizou/Amos Shipley Bohdi Lee Mays Fern Leavitt Braxton Bandit Hofstettler Lito Lee Kirkey McMahan Fergus MacGregor Lexi Lee Stevenson Ruger Mays
Tampa Buddy Clayton Baby Charlie Pfroug Raibley Murfree Rutherford Sugar Henry Lyra "Little Mouse" Henry Naiya Henry Savannah Little Snaz Chattanooga Mazzy Preston County Petal Little Valdosta Man Bentley Long Kurt Vincent McKinley Toby Tipton Reba Stracaluzi Bezu Baker Stetson Clark Justin Stephens Buddy Welker Tobey Smith Cullman Horsley Kelly Porter Sophie Shetlar Maci Irby Mr. Bean Jack Sparrow Bear-Martin Cinnamon King Wynn Mays Amy Seago Freckles Holbrook Petey Arnold Rod Masula Maci Irby Duke Gavlak Popeye Smith Alfie Stracaluzi Gunner Zaharako Queen Bugs Stracaluzi Snort Mays Lola Dates Miss Bullett McKenzie Butcher Maggie Lynn Richter Cinnamin Owen Winky Kingsport Lincon Irby Hef Myrtlebeach Punkin Baker Arlene Rowlands Chris Shultz, Rescuer Paul Newman Irby Pippi Longstockings Madai's Babies - Spunk Langstrom, Alfonso Langstrom, Mr. Nilsson, and Tommy Sundberg Savannah Splat Bugsy Jacobson Rudy Tudy Raibley Bridgette Cooper Toby Hensley Emily Seago Sally Fields Mays CJ, Amy, Tess, Grace, Lady, Polly, Marshmallow, Lucy, Buster, Cayce and Yankee Clark Firecracker Jack Clark Dee Dee Reed Sweet Lily Little Caesar "CC" Raibley Oliver Gish Hannah & Savanna Bolten Puddin' Madai Max Dugan Hawkins Black Jack Spivey Casey Franklin Paige Clark Hugo Green Roxie Williford Michael and Tom's baby, Phoebe Lucie Lu Isabella ET Madai Buster Beau Clark Eva Madai Dee Dee Holbrook Kandy Russell Bubby George House Miracle Love Botner Kobe Ingram Shelby M'Lynn Anderson Leroy Brown Betty Peck-Blumreich Milo Peck-Blumreich Laylah Clay House Millie Beth House Ruby Lee Price Leroy Brown Gregory Cassy Gregory Dakota Gregory Freddie Lane Lucky Charms Lane Buddy Hughes Grampie Anderson Daisy Wilson Lavert Wilson Roxie Scott Uncle Brat House Snort Mays Molly Ann Mays Teddy Johnson Laylah Clay House Maximus White Suzanna (Susie) Bolding Sophie Bolding Kris Bolding Jake Bolding Little Man Bolding Charlie Bolding Happy Habersham House Baby Angel McClure Alfie Parrottino Raibley Lolli Bryson Graham Kracker House Ruby Lee Price Baby Chloe Strunk Jack Meehan Sissy Stracaluzi Charlie Rocks Raibley Popeye Watts Snoops (Snoop Doop) Raibley Issac P. Landau Lil Bit, BooBoo, Jonah, Millie, Molly, Taz, Daniel and Penny Clements Pal, Mickey, Dee Dee, Sweet Pea, andGabby and Rebel Gavlak RaggMopp, Doozey, Freddie, Lucky, and Rocky Boomer, MollyBrown, SallyRan, and Parker Lane Roxie Bolding Samson Daniel, Sarah Jane, and Cami Farmer Chad, Angel, Samuel Clay, and Bridgette Cooper Daisy and Salomon Irby Jack Nguyen Brinkley Mack Richardson Molly Irby Annabelle McKinley Tuxedo Dan Gaschel Sadie Shay Madai Joe Joe Suttles Precious Granny Chatelain Chevy Bainbridge Webster Bibbons Gribbens Annika Person (Pippi Poopie) Precious Akins Lilly Belle House Poopie Betsy Hudson Raleigh Raisin Lowe Poopie Bodie Wayne Munoz Chip Dowdy Charlie Najera KC Najera Chumley Waylon Hall Little Joe Madai Cotton Eye Josephine Cuddlebug Chloe Bolding Tomye Jean Tonahill Abe Bakos Lola Lolita Lowe Nellie Caroline Sparling Charlie Madai Britt Schaeffer, Rescuer and her kids, Toby, Roscoe, Minnie, Tara, Domino and Mr. Peepers Shari Johannes, Rescuer Sugar Welsh Toby Man Steppe Dolly Reitz Petey Skelton Bella Rose Hatches Shorty Martin Remington Dwyer Miss Greta Hays Valentine "Valley Girl" Hays Bugsy Covington Lowe Mona Mae Viglione Duke Gualtieri Jasmine Joy Finger Corey Millman Yankee Doodle Cobb Ally Paiml Samson Latham Sam Bell Strohecker Spike LaPietra Mikey LaPietra Mandy Lynn Madai Charlie Mays Elizabeth Cantrell, Rescuer Puggles Brown Tigger Hernando Heidi Anne House Bobey Botner Dr. Carol Hood, Rescuer Rocky Rock House Hoss Cartwright Anderson Gracie Dean Dottie California Angel Luke Dillon Hawthorne Precious Pearly Steeves Lucy Lu Gaschel Tyler Seymour Watson and Raleigh Bailey Fountain City Lady Choco Louie Abby, Taj and Winston Raibley Star Harrell Mamie Sue Raibley-McKinley Peanut Shaw Alice's Boyfriend Pogo Perry Bryson-Ussery Max Layne Apple Fulton Piper Leigh of Georgia Berkeley Marshall Jumper McFly Mays Sam Houston Clark Ozzy Sanna "Ollie" Wendell McKinley Marissa Stracaluzi Ossia, Rescuer Squirt Cappetto Mr. Hinton Mays Bucky Jones Prissy Hogue Sammie Leroy Baker Missy and Holly O'Dell Hera and Dorie Raine LeRoi Clark Cheryl Barrett, Rescuer Dani Dior Lowe Sweet Sophie Mosher Pepper Jack Hodges Sue Glenn, Rescuer Coletrane Goodin Snerdy Gertie House Luna Ray McKinley Neyland Crownover Cooper Dan Sanislo Maggie MaDear Wally Quinn Scrappy Nehring Job Job Raibley Emma Jean Edgerly Daisy June Cooksey Bonnie Cooksey Chubby Piorkowski Barney, Gypsy and Hobbes Wheeler Oreo Newman Pat Stone, Rescuer Holly Lolly Glass House Boston Oak Ridge Raibley Chum (Ana) Kimsey, Rescuer Wanda Townsend, Rescuer Sir Kappy William Boyd Tiny Tim (Remmy) Brinson Sassy Work Oreo Work Sweet Pea Gavlak Tina Gavlak LA Squirrel Lowe Martha Hawthorn, Rescuer Hero Buchanan Chester Newman Mosher Solomon Etheridge Mimi Gladys Rose Clark Frankie Valle Mays Cutie Pie Mays Marley & Murphy Jay Paratore Pumpkin Munchkin Ford Mack Rowlands Giddy Fitzgerald Gitmore Raibley Pudgy Boo Pudgy Miles Johnson Chloe O' Connor Puffy Harding Roland Leiser Princess Daisy Boyd Indiana Bones Caron Butter Cup Rhodes Daisy Lou Foley Tori Chizek Frankie Valle Cutie Pie Bruno Mays Jack LeBeau Maximus Yatuzis-Derryberry Samantha Gavlak Cody Barnes Wayne Carson, Rescuer Sweet Luckie Cradic Alfredo Noodles Linville Mr. Tony Danza Moone Mickey Mouse Clark Baby Tor Stevens Spanky Raibley MACH Tony Let-me-at-em Miller Camden Trooper Harpole Quincy Dominic Dinwiddle Diesel Banks Texas Mayorga Murph Taylor Levi Piorkowski Lucy Lou Piorkowski Pearl Lowe Hadley Rose Tres Piernas Garrett Sophie Jane Bobby Joe Mosher Sweetie Pie Pebbles Foxie Elliot Raibley Buster McGee Wix Austin Wolfe Zorro "Zokie" Richards Carma Utsman Lara Jinx Bryson Willa Godzilla Ussery Bailey Petrone Jilly Bean Elder Angel Poopie Ouki Duplin Brita Jean Guy Riley Ramsey Clark Mumsford Alexander Studniarz Shamus Lang Lady Troy Amos Lee Lewis Max Baer Beik Itsy Bitsy Thumbalina Edwards Wally Wonka McKinley Spike Elway Mays Timothy John Steppe, Rescuer Pablo Bassim, Rescuer Anna-Belle "Annie" Reckner Austin Tyler "Austin" Reckner Roxie Reckner Tommy Hanks Buster "Bruiser" Raibley Brinkley Blevins Zeus Caldwell Buddy "Little Britches" Cummins Mortie Ray McKinley Smokey Joe Jenkins Amos Archer Griffey Grier aka Gomez Moyers Caleigh Wheeler Mickey Moo Ledbetter Jim Cobb, Rescuer Bruno Harley Bell Luna Bell Williams, Poopie Bella Rose Heintz Charlotte Rae Harley Axel Richardson Louie "Leroy Brown" Bescher Prince "My Old Man" Guardascione Winston Alex Radnor Dooley Clyburn Dollymomma Farmer Molly Rowlands Annie Oaks Casella Maggie Jules Janda Manny Matthews Bailey Pearl Trent Mark Batson, Rescuer Deborah Delay, Rescuer Tina Marie Mays Louie Mays Wilma "Milma" Newstedt Cobb Lee Davis-Cole Duchess Marlow Rouse Sir Buddy Lebowski Lamarche Saddie Mae Hodge George Childress Marge and Homer Madison Janice Rhymer, Rescuer Abigail May Rebert Ruby Rose Bell Sam I Am Nilla Wafer Lambert Doc McDreamy Saager Murphy Jack Young Pixie Mclear Decola Gertie Owen Gracie Firouzabadian Pudda Bear Guardascione Fenway Phil LaMar Marnie Noel Harris Sparky Bark Harris RJ (Racer Joe) Mikulla Paris Akers Saager Owen Harte-Raibley Maddy Campbell Dixie Elle Tiller George Clooney Saager Roston Taylor Abby Jo Myers Graie Allen Vig Maxwell Shuff Maggie Mae McAbee Sue Verner, Rescuer Li'l Man Durham Hogan Self Kitty Kat Blake Conaway Dottie Cobb Huggie Boy Cobb Roxie Rose Loepp Billie Sue Bruce, Rescuer Jedd McBee Garmon Gracie Philbeck Loretta Lynn Bostic Linda Finger, Rescuer Lulu Belle Lowe Mo Reckner, the last of the 3M's Roscoe Duke LaRowe Lollipop Griffin Dexter and Blue Farmer Romeo Mario Hodges Beau Dacious Dickens Gidget Maymon Daisy Dew Harmon Pogo Swayze Brittain Camille Hemler Bindi Peters Toby Holsinger Gomer Pyle House Yipper Raibley Clarence Haywood Haga Bugsy Rowlands Big Boy Lipsky Pierce Smith Archie Ussery Baci Man CB Finger, Rescuer Beagledog Shoemaker, Rescuer Felix Burchett Sugar Baby Philbeck Elizabeth Russell, Rescuer Boo Myslewski Maxwell Knight Durham Cowboy Bob Raibley Tommy Taylor Raibley Baxter Spielman Clyde Asay Wendell Leo Lee Berry Rebert-Blake Theresa Tilotta, Rescuer Blake Kuchar Rachael Laudau Elvis Parsley Neal Susie Ginty Ladybug Turney Elizabeth “Ladybug” Grace Mays R J Mays Cyrus Lee Rowlands Kashew Baker Charlie Cakes Hunter Emma Leigh Clark Ziggy Stardust Draut Bosley Barrett Johnson "Gracey" Desiree Grace Cobb Kathy White, Rescuer Junebug Haga Button Lingo Billy Kid OBrien Roosey Susie Hofstetter Pete Townsend Garnigan BJ Kelley "Smoky" Riley The Tag Clark-Hackley- (aka Mr. Wiggles) Sascha Bailey Sweet Magnolia Dugger Wink Parker Strider Haggard Hallman Minnie Mouse Little Cricket Jewell Boyd Harley Nelson Flora Bell Eva Shank Ty Seago Milo Bear Rebert Penny Lexi Birdwell Kevin Stringfield Einstein Sullenberger Farmer Pepper Queen Childress Tyson Alexander Aldridge Jim Sanislo, Rescuer Fitz Gerald Munoz Sparty O'Leary Ruby Isabelle Hubble Jailyn Bella Gammage Mr. Belvedere Ades Pepper Jack Jones Panda Bear Jones Romeo Mario Jones Zoey Toney Molly Goldman Dewey Knight Anna-Louise Dinwiddie Joanna B. Raibley Mable Mae Sitton Gunner (Guns) Quinn H-L’s Skooter "Skootie Poo" Livermore Daisy Marie Perlis Tootsie Rogers Charleston Chewy Munoz Abby Taylor aka Wiggle Butt Skillet Coffinberry Shasha Rushing Haddy Bell Saelee Dorothy Lucille Correll Dennis Franz Raibley Gracie Lindauer Trent Magness Molly Magness Nina Catori McKinley Delilah Koener Jelly Bean Cowan Havoc Studniarz Macy Shetlar Jasper Starkey Hannah Jo Taylor Donna Gaschel, Rescuer Radar O'Reilly Hammond- Smith Lulu (Cindy Lou Who) Lucy O'Connor Cracker Bill Raibley Wendell the Cootus Cortez Max Dasher Washburn Petey Picasso Rebert Helen Gregory, Rescuer Lilly Aldridge Ava Wardell, Rescuer Ralph Dinwiddie, Rescuer Jewel Morris, Rescuer Dave Thielman, Rescuer Kiwi Ratner George Franklin Atkins Ellie Ann Rushing Daisy Dottie Heintz Leonard Shultz, Rescuer Dr Alan Decker, Verternarian Odis McGee Janda Tegan Grace Hallman Lola Baker Archie Knox Ellis Mr. Chubbs Raibley Francine Faye Blake Brewster Barlow Blake Benjamin Button Lanford Michael Lingo Angel Merical Sedwick Lenior Raibley Arthur Cain Gunnar Baker Mr. Malt Raibley Bojangles Lawson Blossom Powderpuff Linville Slick “Buddy” O’Connor Molly O’Connor Diggs Roscoe “Big Red" LaPierre Isabella “Bella” LaPierre Jasmine Marcello Sammy Caudle aka Doogie Howlser Merri Noel Clark Abby Lynn Gavlak Brownie Mack Cummins Lexi Clark Fred Wiser Monsivais Dr. Zeb King, Veternarian Belle Dallas "Little Girl" Cobb Kipper Carlisle Blake RooBug Ragone Tank Godine Bella Mesquite Janda Baby Madi Bruner Bull Ryder Burnett Maggie Seago Smokey Pokey Neal Dexter Doolittle Vaz Bo Richardson Lola King Shank Sassy Burnett Maisy Grace Seymore Doodles Koerner Duckie Koerner Charlie Rose McMahan-Rowland Tootsie May Aldridge Roxy Lee McMann Molly Pop Jenkins Leo McMahan-Rowland Rosie Naveen Lindquist Brady (Felix) Clessen Trixie Clark Brady Archer Himmelhaver Arash Foroutan, Rescuer Stella Birt Skippy Folden Sandy Hemler, Rescuer Aristotle Nicholas Zaharako Tippy Neal Miss Celie Harrop Remi Bear Auwerda Cash Malone Hodges Dennis James Schimmer-Gillooly Deacon Murry Emma Lynne Rondeau Joseph Nord, Rescuer Sunshine Charlotte (Sunny) Clark Cooper McCord Caporaso Angel Schafer Precious Dottie Boucouvalas Precious Zee Boucouvalas Frankie Fallon Kutscher Samuel Adams House and Chloe House Koda Crome Lalla Frankie French Fry Kruse Chenko McCann Pepper Queen Childress Rocky Boy Childress Franklin McMann Mansfield Williams Lilly Pad Richter Reggie Oakley Benjie Bright Fleenor Riggs Haga Roxanne Oliver Bruiser White Budie Woodstock Raibley Phyllis Lord Pickels Pilar Sullivan Muffin Puff Sullivan Layla Lucille Moyers Zeus Gordon Mosher "Festus" Williams, Rescuer Vivi Ann Jack Dillenbeck Stevie Wonder Dicus Gizmo Gadget Frost Scooter McCraig Raibley Anna Washburn Oliver James Elders Hannah Grace Barbaro Daisy Morgan Piorkowski Tootsie Gann Dunny Mays Pittipat and Megan Smith Bella Luna Mays Prince Mongo Beare-Martin Grady Jackson LaJeunesse Chief Stone LaJeunesse Caron Dalton, Rescuer Jerry Dalton, Rescuer Lark Thompson, Rescuer Jan Ramsey, Rescuer Sweetpea Malugin Geoffrey Reynolds Lambert Roxie Rae Cornett Trixie Belle Smith Jasper Jake McConnell Gizmo (Clyde River) Hoegermeyer Mikey Parker aka Mickey Carlson Grandpa Ziggy Mays Kiki Beach Miya Beach Daisy Schneider George "Mudge" Jetson White Ava Dawn Seymour Laila Seymour Madison Clark Rue Rue Bohn Evie Mae Slemmer Lucy Goan Phoenix Meehan Fran Moody, Rescuer Jerry Moody, Rescuer Prissy and Bo Jangles Robbins Hana Banana Stewart Vicki Capps, Rescuer Marley Sue Kassing Fancy Frankie's Pup, Spot Coco Lee's pup, Cappuccino Coco Lee's pup, Frapachino Coco Parker Mickey Lawrence Hughes Mario Rio "Marvin" Roe Paco Thompson Charlie Clabaugh Lacey Annabelle Clabaugh Lilly Moon Clark Beau Amonett Gus Pariz Sally Coppedge, Rescuer Momma Dog Horton Buster Handley Mr Watson (aka Milo Magoo) Mize Frieda Gilford, Rescuer Biscuit Heintz Exie McGill, aka Piglet Heather Ann Raibley Bruna Nutmeg "Meg" McConnell-Raibley Dozer Dunmore Raibley Sandy Dicus, Rescuer Brigitte Thompson, Rescuer Cody Bear Clark Donna Curtis, Rescuer Harley Widener Bestie Mattson Jackie O Pruitt Chaco Rozek Biscuit Herndon Boogie Hargett-McGlone Miss Bugg Mays Cy Young Macy Mei Williamson Buddy Euler Gizmo Hamilton Grant Alan Cole Whitehead Valorie McCoy, Rescuer Casey ‘Tasty Cake’ Costa Abigail ‘Abbadoo’ Costa Brown "Sugar" Raibley Alex Willis Jessie James "JJ" Baker Lewis Pierce Winston McKinley Jeff Magness, Rescuer Hamish McMuffin Reid Flokii (Oliver Cole) Martin Rosa Bloom Janda Melanie Morrison, Rescuer Sarah Draut, Rescuer Karen Newberg, Rescuer Jeanne Rose Brown, Rescuer Franco Green Diesel Daylight Opal Mae Hudson Justin Liberty Wall Simon Seymour Marley Wright Porta la Vita Stewart Remington (Remi) Belew Bowie Murr Bossipoo Eliot Williamson Willie Winkie Blake Sofie Landau Happy Lindquist Bruce Banner Hall Lake Bailey Oscar "Slick Willie" Haslett Rook Lee Raibley Kitt Kat Stevenson Daisy May Sanford Ranger Gadget Hackwrench Mia Herold Stella Luna Holdren Flagg Martin Beans Peets Cooper Taylor Raibley Jack Knose Smith Hill Potluck Boe Rufus Ray Ella Grace Massenburg Bruno Elton Massenburg Leo Faulkner